As many of you may have heard, President Biden has asked Congress to extend the CDC Eviction Moratorium set to expire July 31, 2021 through September of this year.  The Supreme Court, in a ruling this past month, indicated the CDC Moratorium was not Constitutional and took the position of simply allowing it to expire at the end of this month rather than striking it down and ending it mid-month.  It is possible there may be a vote on the President’s request as early as late today.  We will of course keep you updated.  As of right now we are proceeding, in our office, under the assumption that the CDC Eviction Moratorium will expire at the end of July and next week we will be operating without the CDC Eviction Moratorium.  We encourage everyone to reach out to your legislators and ask that they not support any further extensions of the Eviction Moratorium.  This last minute request, if granted by Congress, would continue to harm landlords and tenants alike and place us all, once again, in a last minute scramble due to yet another 11th hour extension and change of rules.