Commonly Asked Questions

Why can’t my case be dismissed after the hearing? At times we receive a request to dismiss after the eviction hearing. At this point we cannot dismiss the case because we already have a judgment.  A dismissal occurs prior to the hearing.  After a hearing we can file a motion to set aside the judgment, but there is an additional fee for this motion.  We can also file a satisfaction of judgment after a court hearing if a tenant pays what they owe.  There is no charge to have our office file a satisfaction of judgment.

Commonly Asked Questions

What happens if I accept a payment after sending a noncompliance notice (10-day noncompliance, health and safety, immediate notice etc.)? If the property falls under the Arizona Mobile Home Act (tenant owns the mobile home and landlord owns the land), we may continue with the eviction.  Under the Arizona Landlord Tenant Act, however, acceptance of any payment voids any outstanding notice.  A new notice must be sent, and any pending eviction action must be dismissed.  If a tenant offers payment while a noncompliance notice is outstanding please refuse payment.

Commonly Asked Questions

How do I properly serve a notice?  Can I post it on the door? The proper service of notice is either hand delivery (as in physically handing it to the tenant, not posting it on the door) or sending it via certified mail. To file your eviction, we need a copy of the certified mailing slip (little green square certified mailing receipt).  Posting a notice on the door has no legal effect and is not proper service of the notice.  Email is not proper service of a notice.  Text is not proper service of a notice.

Breaking Down the Arizona Landlord Tenant Act: Required Language in Notices

The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act and Mobile Home Act describe and provide language required in noncompliance notices for tenants.  This includes nonpayment of rent, immediate notices for criminal activity and failure to maintain or unauthorized guest type noncompliance notices. For Apartments, single family homes, duplexes or mobile homes where the landlord owns the mobile home and the space, ARS 33-1368 is our “magic” statute.  The mobile home act has a similar statute ARS 33-1476.  Both statutes require the written notice for violation of the lease include the following: A detailed description of the lease violation The time period the tenant...


The International OCD Foundation estimates one in fifty people have a serious hoarding problem.  Hoarding Disorder is now a recognized mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association.  What does this mean for individuals requesting Reasonable Accommodation due to Hoarding Disorder and the need to protect the property and neighbors? First and foremost, safety must be considered.  Any hoarding actions which compromise the structure of the building or the safety of the resident/tenant and/or neighbors is critical and must be addressed.  Health and Safety notices should be issued to any tenant with a hoarding issue that rises to the level of...

What to Do when a Tenant passes away

It happens.  Tenants pass away.  As a landlord it can be devastating to lose a tenant, particularly a long-term beloved tenant. But what do you do when a tenant dies?  First, take a deep breath.  Second, hopefully you have an emergency contact in your lease agreement.  If so, you have an individual to contact and if it is properly worded in your lease, someone to clear out the unit.  (We are of course happy to review your lease regarding an emergency contact.)  If the emergency contact has passed away or you can’t reach the emergency contact, are there any family...

Prop 209 Collections in Arizona

On the ballot in November was Proposition 209 titled the Healthcare Debt Interest Rate Limit and Debt Collection Exemptions Initiative. It passed with overwhelming support. However, as with many things, the title did not fully explain the propositions’ meaning and impact. A portion of Prop 209 does affect exclusively medical debt, but much of the impact of proposition is on all debt. Basic Provisions of Prop 209: 1. Garnishment of Earnings. Allowable garnishment amount decreased from 25% (or 15% in the case of hardship) of disposable earnings to 10% of disposable earnings or 60 times the highest applicable minimum wage....

How to Serve a Notice on a Tenant in Arizona

All eviction actions begin with a notice.  When a landlord and a tenant have a dispute the Arizona Landlord Tenant Act (or Mobile Home Act, or RV Act) provides requirements for the notice that must be given to the party violating the lease and/or relevant law. In this modern day and age, we are all used to texting and emailing our tenants.  However, the Arizona law has not caught up to our modern ways.  One of the most common issues we see when filing evictions is that the notice has not been properly served.  What are the proper ways to...

Breaking Down the Arizona Landlord Tenant Act

If you are a landlord or in property management long enough, even with the best screening, you will likely eventually have an issue which requires you to provide a tenant with a notice for noncompliance with the lease agreement.  What information needs to be in the notice?  The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act answers this question for us.   ARS §33-1368 describes noncompliance with lease agreement and what information is needed in the notice regarding the tenant’s noncompliance. “…[I]f there is a material noncompliance by the tenant with the rental agreement…, the landlord may deliver a written notice to the tenant...

Fair Housing Corner

How is Handicap defined under Fair Housing? “Handicap” means, with respect to a person, a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment.  This term does not include current, illegal use of or addiction to a controlled substance.  For purposes of this part, an individual shall not be considered to have a handicap solely because that individual is a transvestite. “Physical or mental impairment” includes: Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the...