As the expiration date on the Eviction Moratorium on the CARES Act draws close, July 24, 2020, Landlords who have been unable to proceed with evictions on their properties must begin the process of preparing notices as applicable under the CARES Act.
The CARES Act applies to property owner’s who have a Federally Backed Mortgage or tenants who received Federal Assistance, such as Section 8.
The CARES Act requires that any notice being sent to tenants allow the tenants at least 30 days to vacate. In Arizona, this means our Five-Day Notice for Nonpayment of rent must now be a 30-day notice for nonpayment of rent. We have prepared a notice for our clients, please contact us for a copy.
The Owners of Properties covered by the CARES Act must now also consider the Arizona Eviction Moratorium provided by the Governor’s Executive Orders. Any tenant claiming a COIVD Hardship, and therefore a delay in the execution of a writ, beginning August 21, 2020, must provide proof that he/she has applied for assistance through a state, city, county or nonprofit program as well as proof of the COIVD hardship.
Unfortunately, landlords continue to bear a heavy burden with very little relief during the COVID Pandemic. We are here to do anything we can to assist you.

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