
Commonly Asked Questions

How do I properly serve a notice?  Can I post it on the door? The proper service of notice is either hand delivery (as in physically handing it to the tenant, not posting it on the door) or sending it via certified mail. To file your eviction, we need a copy of the certified mailing...


Breaking Down the Arizona Landlord Tenant Act: Required Language in Notices

The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act and Mobile Home Act describe and provide language required in noncompliance notices for tenants.  This includes nonpayment of rent, immediate notices for criminal activity and failure to maintain or unauthorized guest type noncompliance notices. For Apartments, single family homes, duplexes or mobile homes where the landlord owns the mobile home...


Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

7/19/19 How do I serve a notice on a tenant? The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act provides two methods for providing notice to a tenant.  First, you may hand deliver a notice to a tenant.  To hand deliver a notice to you a tenant you must actually hand it to a person.  Posting a notice on...