Resources Flyer for Clients during COVID 19 Pandemic

Please click on the link below for our Resources Flyer.  It includes links to help with payment of rent and utilities, grocery services and food services for children and seniors, and a few fun Tucson things to do while we all participate in Social Distancing.  Please feel free to pass this flyer along to anyone who may find it useful.  We will be updating it periodically.  The last updated dated is on the last page of the flyer. Resources Flyer 3.26.20 Resources Flyer

Court Status with COVID 19

Court Status re COVID 19 We have received notice from the Courts regarding their anticipated status for the near future. Pima County Superior Court:  The Superior Court remains open.  Hearings are continuing, although most hearings are being either reset or held telephonically/video conferencing.  The court is limiting people being admitted to the building and requesting that anything that can be done remotely be dropped in a filing drop box outside or filed on-line. Pima County Consolidated Justice Courts:  The Courts are closed for civil matters.  They are accepting filings, but all hearings are being set 30 days out and currently...

March 19th Morning Corona Virus Update

We have just learned that many evictions in Maricopa County are being postponed. The Pima County Constables have released a statement that they are not executing Writs of Restitution and serving other eviction paperwork. The Pima County Board of Supervisors meets today. We are anticipating a statement from them regarding evictions moving forward as well the continuation of other civil matters in the courts. We will keep you posted.

March 18, 2020 Edmondson Law PC Newsletter

Edmondson Law PC:  Corona Virus updates Up to Date Information We are updating our Facebook Page and Blythe’s Blog on our Website with any and all New Information we receive as it relates to the Pima Court System and Ongoing cases as well as resources for our clients and their tenants. Evictions As of the writing of this newsletter, Pima County is still processing evictions for properties held by private landlords.  There is discussion in the community requesting that evictions be limited.  We recommend continuing with any eviction due to criminal activity or serious non-compliance issues in order to protect management...

Administrative Order from the Pima County Courts

The Governor of Arizona has declared a State Wide Emergency. The Presiding Judge of the Pima County Superior Court has issued an Administrative Order which applies to Pima County Superior Court as well as Pima County Justice Court; a link to the full order is below. Third Parties will likely be excluded from the Court Room (only attorneys, staff and parties in the court room). Anyone showing signs of COVID-19 will be asked to vacate the court. Anyone who suspects he/she may have COVID-19 or suspects he/she may have been exposed to COVID-19 should refrain from coming to court. Please...

City of Tucson and Pima County Updates

For updated information regarding COVID-19 and the City of Tucson please go to: For updated information regarding COVID-19 and Pima County please go to: Pima County, the City of Tucson and the Arizona Courts continue to update and adapt day by day and sometimes hour by hour as things change.  Please feel free to reach out to us for help or information.

Update from the Pima County Superior Court

The Pima County Superior Court has released a statement. The Courts remain open. Jury duty is suspended until March 31, 2020. For all cases in which Edmondson Law represents you, please contact our office for further information.  The Court is allowing remote participation and continuing some matters.  

Corona Virus Updates

March 16, 2020 Dear Clients, We are keeping a close watch on the decisions and notices from the courts regarding the handling of civil matters.  At the present time this is what we know: Evictions may still be filed as long as the property is not owned by the state or county. Private property owners may still file evictions; we will let you know if and when this changes. All Affidavits of Service must be mailed to the court, process servers are not allowed in the court building. This could delay the process in any case as mailing obviously takes...

Assistive Animals and Fair Housing

How to Handle Assistive Animals and Comply with Fair Housing A common issue these days is how to handle a tenant with “assistive animals” and remain in compliance with Fair Housing. What is an Assistive Animal under Fair Housing? Almost anything other than a “pet” is an assistive animal.  Therapy pets, service pets, assistive pets and emotional support animals all qualify for protection under Fair Housing. What if an Owner has declared a property a pet free property? You cannot turn down a tenant or refuse to allow them an assistive animal even if the owner wants the property to...